
12 Great Websites and Games for Sentence Practice

If your students are beginning writers of English, then you may have notice they need help with sentence construction. Adult language learners who have written academically in their native language may struggle with run-on sentences, sentence fragments, and subject verb agreement. Some of our language learners think they have written a sentence, because they have described the subject at length. You can help your language learners recognize their errors and learn how to construct proper sentences by having them access the various websites below. These websites have interactives, activities, and games to motivate your language learners to practice proper sentence construction. For resources related to helping your language learners with grammar, check out our webinar recording, How to Teach Grammar.

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Recommended Websites

  • Interactive Sites for Education lists over 20 interactive sites and online games for students to learn how to construct a sentence. Most of these games are for young learners and adolescents.
  • WISC Online has a wonderful sentence diagramming interactive for students that gets them to practice diagramming various sentences.
  • The Reed-Kellogg Diagrammer tool will automatically analyze and diagrams sentences you type. You need to install Silverlight to use this free tool.
  • Find several sentence diagramming exercises here and the answers.
  • The Phrase up writer tool suggests possible combinations of words that fit well in the spots students place a * when trying to write a sentence.
  • The Guide to Grammar and Writing site has a great visual guide to sentence diagramming as well as several interactive quizzes for students to test their skills at forming sentences.
  • Grammar Bytes has a game to help with sentence fragments.
  • Have students play Jeopardy Lab‘s run-on sentence quiz and game.
  • The Random Sentence Generator generates sentences to help students with writer’s block.
  • The Academic Sentence writer generates academic sentences for articles. Students choose the different parts to generate the sentence.
  • Writing Fix has a Great Sentence Maker in which young learners fill out the various sentence parts to make a sentence.
  • Harcourt Schools has free resources for teaching young learners, and identify run-on sentences and fragments.

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