10 Multimedia Resources to Teach About Women’s History

March is Women’s History Month and March 8th is International Women’s Day. According to Wikipedia, the first International Women’s Day was in 1911. Women’s history Month provides teachers with the opportunity to have a variety of enriching activities that highlight famous women. For resources related to helping your language learners teach about famous events or people in history, check out our webinar recording, Teaching History to English Language Learners.

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Lesson Ideas and Activities

Check out the Teaching with Technology Certification course we offer online.

Live TESOL webinars are presented every Friday at 4 PM EST or New York time with Shelly Terrell. TESOL Lectures are open to the public, so feel free to invite a friend. To enter a TESOL Webinar, click here https://americantesol.adobeconnect.com/terrell/. Next, click Enter as a Guest, type your name, and click Enter Room.

Picture from Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/en/women-s-day-8-march-8-march-woman-2110799