How to #TeachEnglish with #ArtificialIntelligence

How to #TeachEnglish with Artificial Intelligence

How to #TeachEnglish with #ArtificialIntelligence

The Artificial Intelligence Foundation provides open projects and software  for teaching English as a second language. AIML (artificial intelligence markup language) files are how you upload information to the AI brain.  Here is a file for a word play learning game that can be used as a template, and uploaded to any artificial intelligence by saving it as filename.aiml

Explore Learning Games Using A.I.

Artificial Intelligence Education, Game: Acronyms for English Teachers

Artificial Intelligence Education, Game: Capital Cities of the World

Artificial Intelligence Education, Game: Elements of the Periodic Table

Artificial Intelligence Education, Game: Learn the Capitals of the USA


Example of A.I. for Learning English

Beginner: Learn the Alphabet and Learn Numbers

Advanced: TESOL AI English Lessons