
Sideways Listening: A Novel Approach to ESL Listening Comprehension

Traditional ESL listening comprehension methods often focus on either bottom-up or top-down processing. Bottom-up listening emphasizes decoding individual sounds and words, while top-down listening prioritizes utilizing background knowledge and context to understand meaning. However, a new approach, dubbed “Sideways Listening” or “Middle Listening,” seeks to bridge the gap between these two approaches, creating a more holistic and effective method for language acquisition.

The Sideways Listening Process:

Sideways Listening is a dynamic and iterative process that encourages learners to simultaneously engage in both bottom-up and top-down processing. This approach recognizes that successful listening comprehension requires a fluid interplay between these two modes of processing.

  1. Pre-Listening Preparation (Top-Down): Before engaging with the listening material, learners activate their prior knowledge and make predictions about the content. This can involve brainstorming vocabulary, discussing related topics, or simply reflecting on their own experiences.
  2. Initial Listening (Bottom-Up): During the first listen, learners focus on identifying individual sounds, words, and phrases. They may use note-taking or other strategies to capture key details and identify areas where they need further clarification.
  3. Focused Listening (Sideways): In subsequent listens, learners combine bottom-up and top-down processing. They actively listen for specific information while also utilizing their background knowledge and predictions to make sense of the overall message. This stage involves constant interaction between the two modes of processing, as learners adjust their understanding based on new information and revise their predictions as needed.
  4. Post-Listening Reflection and Consolidation (Top-Down): After listening, learners engage in activities that help them consolidate their understanding and integrate the new information into their existing knowledge base. This may involve summarizing the main points, discussing the content with peers, or completing comprehension exercises.

Advantages of Sideways Listening:

  • Holistic Approach: Sideways Listening addresses both the linguistic and cognitive aspects of listening comprehension, providing a more comprehensive learning experience.
  • Enhanced Engagement: By actively involving learners in the listening process, Sideways Listening promotes deeper engagement and greater motivation.
  • Improved Comprehension: The iterative nature of Sideways Listening allows learners to refine their understanding over time, leading to improved comprehension and retention of information.
  • Increased Confidence: By experiencing success in listening comprehension, learners develop greater confidence in their language abilities.

Practical Applications in the ESL Classroom:

Sideways Listening can be implemented in a variety of ways in the ESL classroom. Teachers can:

  • Provide pre-listening activities that activate prior knowledge and generate interest in the topic.
  • Offer multiple opportunities for listening, allowing students to gradually build their understanding.
  • Encourage students to take notes and identify key information during listening.
  • Facilitate post-listening discussions and activities that help students consolidate their understanding.
  • Provide feedback on students’ listening strategies and help them develop effective listening habits.

By incorporating Sideways Listening into their teaching practices, ESL educators can empower their students to become more active, engaged, and successful listeners. This innovative approach has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn listening comprehension, ultimately leading to greater fluency and confidence in the English language.