
The Chatty Object Show: Bringing Inanimate Objects to Life for Conversational ESL

Ready to transform your ESL classroom into a lively talk show? In this lesson, students will embody inanimate objects, unleashing their creativity and conversational skills as they engage in hilarious dialogues. Get ready for a fun and imaginative experience that will boost vocabulary, fluency, and descriptive language. Here’s an ESL lesson plan designed for a classroom of 20 children, focusing on personifying inanimate objects to practice conversation skills:

Lesson Plan: The Chatty Object Show

Introduction for Peers:

This engaging ESL lesson invites children to step into the shoes (or wheels, or wings!) of inanimate objects, sparking their imaginations and boosting their conversation skills. Through role-play and imaginary dialogue, students will practice using descriptive language, expressing opinions, and responding to questions in a fun and creative way. The lesson’s playful format promotes fluency, confidence, and a deeper understanding of how to describe and interact with the world around them.

Learning Goals:

  • Speaking and Conversation Skills: Students will practice initiating and maintaining conversations.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: Students will learn new vocabulary related to objects and their attributes.
  • Descriptive Language: Students will use adjectives, adverbs, and other descriptive language to bring objects to life.
  • Creativity and Imagination: Students will develop their creative thinking skills through role-play.


  • Object Cards: Create cards with pictures or names of various inanimate objects (e.g., pencil, book, clock, chair, tree, sun).
  • Question Prompts: Prepare a set of open-ended questions to spark conversation (e.g., “How do you feel?”, “What do you do all day?”, “What’s your favorite thing to do?”).


  1. Warm-Up (5 minutes):
    • Brainstorm a list of inanimate objects with the class.
    • Discuss the idea of personification – giving human qualities to objects.
    • Show examples from books or movies where objects talk and have personalities (e.g., Toy Story, Beauty and the Beast).
  2. Object Selection (5 minutes):
    • Have each student choose an object card randomly.
    • Allow a few minutes for students to think about their object’s personality, voice, and appearance.
  3. The Chatty Object Show (20 minutes):
    • Create pairs or small groups of students.
    • Each student takes turns being their chosen object and having a conversation with another object.
    • You can provide question prompts to guide the conversation or let students come up with their own.
  4. Class Presentations (10 minutes):
    • Invite a few pairs/groups to present their conversations to the class.
    • Encourage other students to ask questions or offer feedback.
  5. Wrap-Up (5 minutes):
    • Discuss the importance of using descriptive language in conversations.
    • Review any new vocabulary words that came up during the activity.
    • Ask students to reflect on what they learned and enjoyed about the game.

Classroom Management Tips:

  • Modeling: Start by demonstrating a conversation between two objects yourself.
  • Encouragement: Create a supportive and non-judgmental environment for creativity.
  • Time Management: Use a timer to ensure each student gets a turn to speak.
  • Differentiation: Provide additional support to struggling students with vocabulary and sentence starters.


  • Observation: Pay attention to students’ ability to use descriptive language, initiate conversations, and respond to questions.
  • Participation: Encourage all students to actively participate in the game and presentations.

Additional Tips:

  • Props: Allow students to use simple props to represent their objects (e.g., a pencil, a book).
  • Visual Aids: Have pictures of the objects available for reference.
  • Recording: Consider recording some of the conversations to review and assess later.