The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Online English Lesson

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Online English Lesson


Welcome to the enchanting world of Oz! In this online English lesson, we’ll embark on a journey alongside Dorothy and her friends as we explore the classic tale, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” We’ll delve into vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and even some fun activities inspired by the story. So, put on your ruby slippers and let’s get started!

1. Pre-Reading Activities

  • Vocabulary Building: Introduce key vocabulary words from the story, such as cyclone, cowardly, munchkin, emerald, wicked, courage, brains, heart. Use visuals, examples, and synonyms to help students understand the meanings.
  • Prediction: Show students the book cover or illustrations and ask them to predict what the story might be about.
  • Background Knowledge: Briefly discuss the author, L. Frank Baum, and the historical context in which the book was written.

2. Listening Comprehension

  • Audiobook: Provide students with a link to an audiobook version of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” Here’s a link to a free version on LibriVox:
  • Guided Listening: Have students listen to a chapter or selected passages from the audiobook. Pause at intervals to check for comprehension and ask questions.
  • Note-Taking: Encourage students to take notes on key events, characters, and vocabulary while listening.

3. Reading Comprehension

  • Text or E-book: Provide students with a copy of the text or an e-book version of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”
  • Close Reading: Guide students through a close reading of selected passages, focusing on comprehension, vocabulary, and literary devices.
  • Discussion Questions: Facilitate a discussion about the story, characters, themes, and symbolism.

4. Grammar & Vocabulary Practice

  • Identifying Parts of Speech: Have students identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in selected sentences from the story.
  • Sentence Building: Provide students with a list of vocabulary words and have them create their own sentences related to the story.
  • Synonyms & Antonyms: Create a matching game or worksheet where students match vocabulary words with their synonyms and antonyms.

5. Fun Activities

  • Character Analysis: Have students choose a character from the story and write a character sketch, describing their personality, motivations, and actions.
  • Creative Writing: Encourage students to write their own ending to the story or imagine a new adventure for Dorothy and her friends.
  • Art Project: Have students create illustrations or artwork inspired by the story.

6. Wrap Up

  • Review: Recap the key points of the lesson and answer any remaining questions.
  • Further Exploration: Encourage students to continue reading the book or explore other adaptations of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”

Additional Resources

  • Movie Adaptation: Watch the classic 1939 film adaptation of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” to enhance understanding and provide visual context.
  • Online Games & Activities: Search for interactive games and activities related to the story to reinforce learning in a fun way.

Remember to adapt the lesson to the age and proficiency level of your students. Have fun exploring the magical world of Oz!