Featured Teacher William Aycox

Live June 16th, Featured Teacher William Aycox

With business experience across four different industries, American William Aycox is an Educational and Motivational Consultant who currently resides in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He has a BA in English/History along with two Master’s Degrees in Business and Education. In 2011, upon receiving his TESOL Certification, he transitioned his career into the Education Learning Industry.

By the suggestion of five (5) former students “The Core,” William was advised to enter the world of social media. Since 2017, “Ask_teacherwill” (ATW) was created to assist people from all over the world with their English and professional goals. Two of William’s favorite mottos which he tries to live and install in his learners is: “Walk The Walk, Talk The Talk” and “We Learn Together.”

English is not monolithic. English is more than a language. It’s a mindset, a way of thinking. English is for you and for me. ATW Family members have found his content to be entertaining and informative in terms of topics discussed and method of delivery.

Achieving your English and life goals are possible. When and if you doubt yourself at times, I want you to remember the following: “Motivation, Inspiration Through English.” You can be motivated and inspired by people or by things. Ultimately, that motivation and inspiration starts with you. Never take you out of the equation in the pursuit of your goals.