Live Stream 2020, The Quantum Computer of Conjunctions

Live Stream 2020, The Quantum Computer of Conjunctions

Dive deep into the world of American English where knowing our conjunctions is like being a quantum computer with an infinity mirror eternally reflecting ideas. As the linguistic synapses that link parts of a sentence to synchronize an instance of two or more ideas occurring at the same point in time or space, conjunctions create a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the intensity of an expression.  Like PB and J makes a sandwich, and OMG makes a declaration, conjunctions combine things to solidify an idea, time period, or point in reality.

Join us live January 10th, 2020 at 1:30 PM EST with FluencyMC on as we go deeper into the world of conjunctions where there are no coincidences, and it’s impossible not to create something from nothing using our linguistic tools, internal quantum computer, and the 7 coordinating conjunctions of synchronicity.