Teaching English in Tangshan, China, Spotlight on the Environment, Ecological Rebuilding

Teaching English in Tangshan, China, Spotlight on the Environment, Ecological Rebuilding

Teaching English in Tangshan, China, Spotlight on the Environment, Ecological Rebuilding

Tangshan, China was destroyed after an earthquake killed hundreds of thousands of people and left the mountain city in ruins. In the face of disaster, the courageous citizens made a plan to rebuild eco-friendly. Today, Tangshan is a flourishing tourist attraction, and was honored by the United Nations and received the Dubai International Award for best ecological rebuild.

Teaching English in Tangshan, China Jobs, News, & Certification

Eco-advocates are most impressed with Tangshan’s advances in coal production and solar panel efforts. Tangshan has no plans to stop growing in an eco-minded way, as this new green enterprise continues to spring up and flourish.  Head to Tangshan to teach English  if you want to live in a city that is a thriving example of the beauty that can be created after destruction.

American TESOL