Teaching English to Children

TESOL for Children Certification, Description, Objectives, and Syllabus

TESOL for Children Certification

American TESOL for Children online programs focuses on ESL teaching methods for age groups two through seventeen, and the different developmental stages of children. Instructors focus on a variety of TESOL methodologies, classroom disciplinary methods, and which combinations of methods work best in TESOL classrooms. This course also includes an optional online TESOL internship where participants will be able to practice their teaching skills in a virtual environment.


Course Description:

American TESOL for Children online certification program provides a base knowledge in teaching English as a second language, with focus on methods and approaches to TESOL.


Program Objectives:

– Examine the core knowledge of TESOL

– Create ESL lesson plans

– Assess and compare TESOL methods of teaching

– Facilitate successful communication in the TESOL classroom


Learning Outcomes:

– Correctly identifying methods and approaches to TESOL.

– Improvement of student achievement.

– Improvement of teacher confidence.

– Introduction to teaching ESL online.



Participants will be able to:

– Provide a classroom environment for learning English.

– Design and implement ESL lesson plans that reflect best teaching practices.

– Demonstrate high expectations of all students learning.

– Monitor and assess student progress


Modules and Assignments:


Module One – Using Icebreaker Activities, Teaching Preferences, & Acronyms

Reading Assignment: Pages 1-3 TESOL for Children E-Book, 40 Icebreakers for Small Groups E-Book, Icebreakers E-Book

Which age group would you like to teach most and why?

Describe the characteristics of your three most influential teachers throughout childhood.

What do the acronyms TESOL, SLA, L1, and L2 stand for?

Design your own Icebreaker activity

Short writing assignment: What is an Icebreaker?

Acronyms Quiz


Module Two – What is Language

Reading Assignment: What is Language PDF, What is English PDF, Properties of Spoken Language, 8 Parts of Speech article

What is telegraphic speech?

What are the 8 parts of speech?

Telegraphic Speech Quiz

Properties of Spoken Language Quiz


Module Three – Effective Teaching, Teacher Roles, & Gross Motor Skills

Reading Assignment: Page 5 TESOL for Children E-Book, What is Effective Teaching PDF, Teacher Roles PDF, Effective Teaching Strategies: Six Keys to Classroom Excellence article

Name five different types of gross motor skills not mentioned in the text. Do the same for fine motor skills.

Describe your favorite teacher

Motor Skills Quiz


Module Four – Educational Methodology, Speech Production, & Input Sources

Reading Assignment: Pages 7-10 TESOL for Children E-Book, Teaching Methodologies PDF, Teaching Special Groups PDF, Wikipedia Speech Production Page

Which type of music and movies would you like to introduce to children of other cultures? Why?

Teaching Special Groups writing assignment

Speech Production Quiz


Module Five – Teaching Listening & Pedagogy

Reading Assignment: Pages 8-17 TESOL for Children E-Book, Teaching Listening PDF, How To Teach Listening PDF, Listening Comprehension Difficulties PDF

Name and describe one exercise that can be utilized for learning English involving math, science, and social studies separately.


Module Six – Teaching Speaking

Reading Assignment: Pages 18-22 TESOL for Children E-Book, Review Pages 6-7, Discussion Debate PDF, Teaching Speaking PDF, Pronunciation PDF, Wikipedia Erikson’s Stages Page

Name and define five learning stages and ten vocabulary words that you think are appropriate for each of the five learning stages.

Stages of Language Development Quiz


Module Seven – Lesson Planning & Comprehension

Reading Assignment: Review Page 7 TESOL for Children E-Book, Lesson Planning PDF, Planning First Lessons PDF, Wikipedia Lesson Plan Page, Creating the Best ESL Lesson Plans article

What is comprehensible input? What is comprehensible output? How are they the same? How are they different?

Why are lesson plans important?

Comprehensible Input and Comprehensible Output Quiz


Module Eight – Drilling

Reading Assignment: Review Page 8 TESOL for Children E-Book

Are the children of bilingual households at a disadvantage? Why or why not?


Module Nine – Intelligence Types

Reading Assignment: Intelligence Types PDF

What intelligence type are you? Describe your intelligence type and tell how it can contribute to you being an effective teacher.

Intelligence Types Quiz


Module Ten – Presenting Vocabulary: Lexical Approach

Reading Assignment: Review Pages 9-10 TESOL for Children E-Book, Activities for Intelligence Types

Describe a classroom activity for each of the intelligence types


Module Eleven – Knowing Your Students

Reading Assignment: Practical Activities to Stimulate Multiple Intelligences PDF, Wikipedia Theory of Multiple Intelligences Page

Take the Multiple-Intelligence Self-Test

What did you learn about your intelligence levels?


Module Twelve – Teaching Reading & Stages of Discipline

Reading Assignment: Review Pages 11-12 TESOL for Children E-Book, Stages of Discipline PDF, 11 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline PDF, Managing Students article, Steps for Teaching Reading to ESL Students article, Teaching Our Children to Read, Write, and Spell PDF

How do discipline methods change and evolve for each age group?

What do you think is the most important rule for discipline not mentioned in the above text?


Module Thirteen – Teaching Writing, Aids in Learning

Reading Assignment: Teaching Writing PDF, How to Teach Writing to ESL Students PDF, Creative Writing Exercises for ESL Students 1 PDF, Creative Writing Exercises for ESL Students 2 PDF, Children’s Writing in ESL article

What learning materials/teaching aids will you utilize in the TESOL classroom?

Children’s Writing in ESL Quiz


Module Fourteen – Classroom Management

Video Assignment: Motivating Students to Learn

Reading Assignment: Review Pages 13-23 TESOL for Children E-Book, Safe Learning Environments PDF, How to Motivate ESL Students article, Motivation: What Teachers Need to Know PDF

Name and describe three ways that you can create a safe and shameless learning environment for each of the learning methods.

Motivation: What Teachers Need to Know Quiz


Module Fifteen – Approaches and Strategies to TESOL

Video Assignment: Observing Standards-in-Action: ESL Classroom Lesson

Reading Assignment: Approaches to TESOL PDF, Learning Strategies for TESOL PDF

Describe five approaches to TESOL

TESOL Methods and Approaches Quiz


Module Sixteen – Behavior Management & Computer Assisted Language Learning

Reading Assignment: Pages 24-39 TESOL for Children E-Book

Create a lesson plan using a 45-minute template

Optional – Online Teaching Internship

Extra Credit – Create a Lesson for CALL


Module Seventeen – Creating Lesson Plans for Young Learners

Video Assignment: How to Teach

Reading Assignment: Review Pages 24-32 TESOL for Children E-Book, Lesson Planning Guide E-Book

Create the first of 5 lesson plans for children (Lesson Plan 1)


Module Eighteen – Student Assessment

Create a second lesson plan for children (Lesson Plan 2)


Module Nineteen – Creating a Syllabus

Create a third lesson plan for children (Lesson Plan 3)


Module Twenty – Learning Strategies for TESOL

Create a fourth lesson plan for children (Lesson Plan 4)


Module Twenty-one – Approach & Method

Reading Assignment: Review Approach & Method article

Create a fifth lesson plan for children (Lesson Plan 5)


Module Twenty-two – Understanding Student Assessment Final Essay

Video Assignment: Student Assessment

What are the different concepts you will explore when doing student assessments?

Final Essay should be 300-400 words on a topic of your choice from the TESOL for Children E-Book