The end of August marks the final days of the Chinese Ghost Month, a time when spirits are believed to roam the earth. According to Buddhist and Taoist traditions, these…
Language learners often face significant challenges when writing research papers. From selecting a suitable topic to refining their writing style, the process can be daunting. However, the advent of artificial…
Learning your students’ names is a fundamental aspect of effective teaching. It shows respect, builds rapport, and creates a more inclusive classroom environment. This article offers practical tips and resources…
The World Bog Snorkelling Championships are held every year in Wales at Waen Rhydd bog. This is the 32nd year of the championships, which takes place on August 27th. Anyone…
Our students can use the Internet to learn English in exciting ways with people around the world. Recently we conducted a webinar about Citizen Science Projects for ELLs. Citizen science is…
Discover tips and resources to create a syllabus for your courses. Click here for the webinar video recording. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our free…
Discover tips and resources to teach young English language learners the alphabet. Click here for the webinar video recording. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend…
Welcome to a new series where we feature great books for language teachers. Chances are you will be attending a few education conferences this year. Our featured book this month…
For TESOL teachers looking to immerse themselves in cultural celebrations while teaching English abroad, France offers more than just its iconic Eiffel Tower and croissants. One of its most entertaining…
Discover tips and resources to establish strong bonds with your English language learners through digital icebreakers. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our TESOL…
Here are three effective strategies for managing discipline in an ESL classroom: Establish Clear Expectations and Routines: Rules and Consequences: Create a set of simple, positively-worded classroom rules with students'…
As TESOL teachers, immersing yourself in the culture of the country where you teach is an essential part of connecting with your students and enriching your teaching methods. One event…
Beyond kindness, caring, creativity, and consistency, effective teachers embody a range of essential qualities that make a classroom conducive to learning. Here are a few vital ones: Adaptability: Great teachers understand…
Welcome to a new series where we feature our favorite free web tools and apps for language learners and teachers. This month we are highlighting CommonLit, a website with free reading…
Discover tips and resources for teaching English language learners with citizen science projects. Click here for the recording! To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners attend…
Discover tips and resources for teaching English language learners with project based learning. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our TESOL webinars
For TESOL teachers, traveling and teaching English abroad offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in rich cultural experiences. One event that stands out as a must-see for educators and…
Jump into a new year of learning with 50 Activities for the First Day of School. We caught up with author, Walton Burns, who shared these thoughts about the book:…
Discover tips and resources to help your English language learners keep track of their learning growth in a digital portfolio. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language…
Discover tips and resources to use when teaching with a novel. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our TESOL webinars.
One of the most colorful events of the summer is the Crop Over Festival in Barbados. This festival began in the late 1700s, and celebrates the end of the sugar…
Motivating students in an ESL classroom goes beyond simply making English lessons interesting. It's about igniting a passion for language acquisition, fostering a sense of accomplishment, and creating a learning…