Camping and Adventures in Luxembourg

Below the Casemates, LuxembourgOne of the best parts of teaching English abroad is going on adventures and visiting historic sites. I remember visiting the Bock Casemates in Luxembourg, which were built in 963. The casemates are a fortified city and castle. People lived within the walls, which are like a tunnel. You can view the outside of the city through tiny holes in the walls, which is usually where the cannons would be fired. The historic site is quite amazing and unlike any other castle I’ve explored. To discover more about the casemates, check out this site.

I also enjoyed camping near Luxembourg City. The campsites in Europe are luxurious compared to those in the U.S. I was able to get fresh baked chocolate croissants at the campsite and enjoy a nice evening camping with my pug, Rosco.

American TESOL offers you ways to receive a certification in teaching English so that you can teach abroad. The following links are useful if you would like to know more about teaching English in Luxembourg:

Photo Credit: Flickr photo by sub_lime79 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license