
Fun and Simple Icebreaker Activity for Young ESL Learners

Name & Action


  • Learn classmates’ names
  • Practice simple vocabulary (actions)
  • Create a fun and energetic atmosphere


  • None needed!


  1. Gather Together: Have students stand in a circle or sit in a group where everyone can see each other.
  2. Model: Start by introducing yourself and performing a simple action. For example, “My name is [your name] and I like to jump!” (while jumping).
  3. Student Turns: One by one, students introduce themselves and mimic an action of their choice:
    • “My name is Sarah and I like to dance!” (while dancing)
    • “My name is Ben and I like to clap!” (while clapping)
  4. Group Repetition: After each student’s turn, everyone says the student’s name and performs their action.


  • Keep it positive: Encourage students to choose fun actions.
  • Adjust difficulty: Increase complexity with additional phrases like, “My name is…, and I like to… and I like to…” (adding a second action).
  • Make it a game: Time how long it takes the group to go around the circle, and try to beat the record!

Why It’s Great for Young Learners:

  • Engaging: Actions keep kids active.
  • Repetition: Helps with name and vocabulary memorization.
  • Non-threatening: There are no “wrong” answers, lowering anxiety.