Each week we scour the internet to find great resources to share on our various social networks (@TESOL, @AmericanTESOL, and @ESLWebinars). Now, once a month we will share our favorite ESL and Education Technology posts, infographics, videos, lesson plans, and research in our blog so you can enjoy these finds in one place. If you have any suggestions of posts we might have missed for the month related to teaching language learners with technology, please feel free to share in the comments below. These are our favorite Edtech and ESL finds for September.
To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our free Friday webinars.
Recommended Edtech and ESL Posts
- Are you thinking of teaching English online or do you teach online? You’ll enjoy the tips in this post, 19 Online English Teachers Share Their Tips and Resources for Planning Online Lessons.
- Lisa Jane Wood shares how to do a 321 introduction activity using one of our favorite video tools, Powtoon.
- In My 10 Favorite Back to School Activities, Maria Theologidou lists many different apps and sites with stories, games, and more. Some of our favorite are the Speakaboos website and apps, Highlights animated stories, and BogglesWorld Creative Writing Prompts.
- Red Planet Hiring is a free ESL lesson plan from the newest Lindsay Clandfield site, Extreme Language Teaching. Other lessons on the site are about aliens and zombies.
- Your students will enjoy this podcast about Mother Theresa by ESL Library. Follow it up with a discussion about her recent induction as a saint.
- Check out the World Language Education: Supporting This We Believe project with research about language learners. The post recommends using Skype and Edmodo to carry out this project.
Check out the Teaching with Technology Certification course we offer online.
Live TESOL webinars are presented every Friday at 4 PM EST or New York time with Shelly Terrell. TESOL Lectures are open to the public, so feel free to invite a friend. To enter a TESOL Webinar, click here https://americantesol.adobeconnect.com/terrell/. Next, click Enter as a Guest, type your name, and click Enter Room.
Picture from Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/en/board-technology-computer-1311166/