
Teaching English Abroad in Vietnam

More and more people are graduating from college or high school and then forgoing traditional career paths teaching English abroad. Rather than applying at schools near their own home, they are looking abroad for teaching positions. Many have made the choice to teach in Vietnam before they return to the American school system.

The great thing about making the decision to teach in Vietnam is that you are not necessarily locked into a long term teaching contract. There are some who chose to stay long term, but there are also others who decide to only teach in Vietnam for a very short period of time. Although the length of time that you will be expected to teach in Vietnam is going to depend on the teaching position that you accept, the minimum amount of time required to qualify for a visa to teach in the country is only one month. The fact that Vietnam does not lock teachers into a long term contract that require the person to remain there for several years makes the teaching positions very appealing. Most of the young teachers who decide to teach in Vietnam find themselves choosing between teaching contracts that are 1-3 month obligation and positions that are designed to last for a year. Once the contract is up, the teacher is going to have to decide if they want to teach somewhere else, or if they would like to take another teaching position in Vietnam.

If you are a teacher who has a strong desire to see the world, a Vietnam teaching position is going to be a good choice for you. Both the average Vietnam school schedules as well as its location in Asia make it very easy for you to travel to other parts of the continent without jeopardizing your contract. Teaching English in the heart of Asia, Vietnam, is a wonderful experience. There are many teaching positions available throughout the country. It is also easy to travel to other parts of Asia while teaching English in Vietnam.

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