Every month we feature our favorite web tools and apps for English language learners and teachers. This month we are highlighting the Thinking Kit. Thinking Kit is a quick way for teachers and students to create their OWN activities for iPads quickly and simply. It comes in two parts – the creator, which can be used on any browser on any device, and the free iPad app (which is how tasks get downloaded onto iPads). Teachers can create tasks quickly for the next/same day, or students can create tasks for their peers to solve – in their class, or even in another country if they make their task public! Below are a list of Thinking Kit‘s features to support the learning needs of language learners.
Each week we scour the internet to find great web tools and apps to share on our various social networks (@TESOL, @AmericanTESOL, and @ESLWebinars). Check out our past favorites here.
Benefits for learners
- A new topic can be more easily digested as it is broken down into smaller chunks.
- Develop true collaboration skills as the app can be worked on in pairs or small groups (as well as individually).
- Build metacognition by ‘thinking about their thinking’ in a dedicated Reflection Stage at the end of a session.
- By usually reading the cards first then putting them in groups before making further, deeper connections, this is excellent for retention of information.
- If they have a try at actually creating their own activities, this is fantastic for a whole host of skills associated with Project Based Learning. It is a boost to their confidence, creativity and all round engagement.
Benefits for educators
- The creation tool can be used on any device, meaning it is quick, easy and portable.
- As the content is added by the teacher, it means activities can be suited to any topic or stage of learning.
- Activities can be as simple as using digital Sticky Tape to connect an English word to its foreign equivalent, or be more complex with an open ended question and cards with a narrative thread.
- Creating a ‘card sort’ task with this tool can save over two hours compared to doing a traditional paper-based type.
To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our free Friday webinars.
Photo Credit: https://pixabay.com/en/learn-school-language-teaching-2001847