
7 Principles of the Connectionist Philosophy

Seven key principles of the connectionist philosophy in second language learning:

  1. Learning as Connection Forming: Connectionism rejects the notion of language being acquired through the memorization of abstract rules. Instead, it posits that learners form mental connections between items that frequently occur together. Exposure to rich language input and repeated patterns is key.
  2. Neural Network Analogy: The brain is likened to a massive network of interconnected neurons. Similarly, connectionism proposes that language knowledge is stored in a distributed network of connections between linguistic elements (words, grammatical structures, etc.). The more frequently these connections are activated, the stronger they become.
  3. Input Drives Learning: Connectionists emphasize the importance of rich, comprehensible input in second language learning. Learners extract the rules and patterns of the language implicitly through exposure, similar to how children acquire their first language.
  4. Frequency Matters: Connections are reinforced with each encounter. The more often learners encounter specific words, phrases, or grammatical structures, the stronger those connections become and the more easily they are retrieved in communication.
  5. Gradual Learning Process: Language acquisition isn’t a sudden “aha!” moment. It’s a gradual process where connections become stronger and knowledge becomes more automatic with continued exposure and practice.
  6. Implicit Learning alongside Explicit Instruction: Connectionism doesn’t completely discredit the role of explicit grammar instruction. Conscious awareness of rules can be a helpful supplement, especially for complex structures, but the bulk of learning is thought to occur subconsciously.
  7. Importance of Context: Understanding a word or grammatical structure goes beyond just knowing its “dictionary” definition. Connectionism emphasizes the importance of context, including real-world situations, and how it shapes meaning and usage.

Practical ways to apply the principles of connectionism in your ESL classroom:

  • Prioritize Comprehensible Input: Flood learners with meaningful language. Use authentic texts (stories, articles, podcasts), multimedia resources, and conversations that are slightly above students’ current level. This rich input provides the raw material for forming connections.
  • Focus on Meaning over Isolated Rules: Instead of starting with abstract grammar rules, contextualize grammar within communicative tasks. For example, have students read a short story and then ask questions to highlight how past tense verbs are used. This implicit learning helps them internalize the patterns.
  • Repetition and Recycling: Provide multiple encounters with new vocabulary and structures in various ways throughout a unit. A new word might appear in a reading, a listening activity, a writing task, and a class discussion. This reinforces connections.
  • Project-Based Learning: Design projects where students research a topic, write a report, and present findings. This real-world use of language fosters natural grammar use and students discover patterns on their own through this process.
  • Error Correction with Sensitivity: Connectionism doesn’t mean ignoring errors completely. Provide supportive feedback but focus on common error patterns. Avoid overwhelming learners with corrections on every single mistake, as this can hinder fluency.
  • Games & Interactive Activities: Incorporate games that involve repetition of target vocabulary or grammar structures (Bingo, charades, etc.). This adds an element of fun while implicitly reinforcing patterns.
  • Technology as a Tool: Utilize language learning apps and websites that provide ample contextualized input, personalized practice, and opportunities to use language for real communication.

Important note: While connectionism emphasizes implicit learning, there’s room for explicit instruction too! Brief, targeted explanations of grammar points can supplement input-rich activities, especially for adult learners.