Lion and Mouse from Aesop's Fables

Aesop’s Fables: An Engaging Online English Lesson

Aesop’s Fables, a collection of timeless tales featuring talking animals and moral lessons, have been captivating audiences for centuries. These fables provide an excellent resource for teaching English online, particularly to young learners or those at the beginner to intermediate level. Let’s explore how to structure an engaging online English lesson using these classic stories.

1. Choosing the Fable:

  • Select a fable appropriate for your student’s age and language proficiency. Shorter fables with simple vocabulary and clear morals are ideal for beginners. Some popular choices include:
    • The Tortoise and the Hare
    • The Lion and the Mouse
    • The Boy Who Cried Wolf
    • The Ant and the Grasshopper

2. Pre-Reading Activities:

  • Vocabulary Introduction: Pre-teach key vocabulary from the fable using flashcards, images, or realia.
  • Prediction: Show an illustration or give a brief summary of the fable and ask students to predict what might happen.

3. Reading the Fable:

  • Read Aloud: Read the fable aloud with clear pronunciation and expression. Use gestures and visuals to enhance understanding.
  • Shared Reading: Have students follow along as you read, or take turns reading sections aloud.

4. Comprehension Check:

  • Wh- Questions: Ask comprehension questions using who, what, where, when, why, and how.
  • True or False: Present statements related to the fable and have students determine if they are true or false.
  • Sequencing: Have students arrange pictures or sentences in the correct order of events.

5. Vocabulary and Grammar Focus:

  • Word Meanings: Discuss the meanings of key vocabulary words and have students use them in sentences.
  • Grammar Structures: Highlight specific grammar structures used in the fable, such as past tense verbs or comparatives.

6. Moral and Discussion:

  • Identify the Moral: Help students identify the moral or lesson of the fable.
  • Personal Connection: Encourage students to share personal experiences related to the moral.
  • Critical Thinking: Ask open-ended questions to promote critical thinking and discussion.

7. Creative Activities:

  • Role-play: Have students act out the fable or create a modern-day adaptation.
  • Storytelling: Encourage students to retell the fable in their own words or create a new ending.
  • Art Project: Have students draw or paint a scene from the fable.

8. Technology Integration:

  • Interactive Whiteboard: Use an interactive whiteboard to display the fable, highlight vocabulary, and play games.
  • Online Resources: Utilize online fable resources, such as animated videos, interactive quizzes, and printable worksheets.

Benefits of using Aesop’s Fables for Online English Lessons

  • Engaging and Memorable: The stories are entertaining and easy to remember, aiding in language acquisition.
  • Universal Themes: The fables explore universal themes like friendship, honesty, and perseverance, making them relatable to learners of all cultures.
  • Vocabulary and Grammar: The simple language and repetitive structures provide a good foundation for vocabulary and grammar development.
  • Moral Lessons: The fables promote critical thinking and character development, fostering valuable life skills.


Aesop’s Fables offer a captivating and effective way to teach English online. By incorporating a variety of activities and utilizing technology, educators can create dynamic and memorable lessons that foster language skills and valuable life lessons.

Remember, the key to a successful online lesson lies in making it interactive, engaging, and tailored to your students’ needs and interests. By using Aesop’s Fables as a foundation, you can create a rich and rewarding learning experience for your students.