Interview Activities and Resources for English Language Learners

Interview Activities and Resources for English Language Learners

One way to enhance speaking and listening skills is to get your language learners to conduct interviews. This semester my students will interview their parents, peers, and also professionals who work in their dream careers. Part of the process of learning how to give a good interview is helping students come up with great questions and teaching them how to follow up responses and record responses. Below are a list of activities, web tools, and apps to help your language learners conduct great interviews. Check out our webinar recording, News Worthy! Learning as Reporters, to discover ideas for turning student interviews into new stories.

To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our free Friday webinars.

Interview Activities and Resources

  • Your English language learners can practice conducting an interview with a profession with the help of a virtual voice assistant. Students download the free Google Voice Assistant app on Android or iOS devices.  Students say, “Ok Google, talk to everyday heroes.” Then the Google Assistant will provide you with a choice of people and professions to interview. Students ask the professional questions with tips from the Google Voice Assistant.  These are pre-recorded responses from real people who describe their jobs and answer other questions.
  • Check out Storycorps’ Great Questions divided by topic for students to use to conduct their interviews.
  •  Check out Storycorps lesson plans and resources for educators with ideas and resources for students to conduct interviews.
  • The Storycorps (iOS/Android) app walks students through the process of great interview techniques then allows them to record a quick interview and archive it.
  • Flipgrid is is a video discussion iOS and Android app which makes video interviews super easy and fun!
  • Skype in Education has a great list of guest experts who students can contact to request an interview.
  • One of the best features on Skype is the powerful machine learning voice translator, which works in 8 languages and the text translator is available in more than 50 languages. The more students use the translator, the better it works! Get students to try conducting an interview with a person in another country and test the power of the translator.
  • The quickest and easiest way to record is with the free web based tool, Vocaroo. Registration isn’t required. Email the recording, provide a link, or listen with the QR code provided.

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Live TESOL webinars are presented every Friday at 4 PM EST or New York time with Shelly Terrell. TESOL Lectures are open to the public, so feel free to invite a friend. To enter a TESOL Webinar, click here Next, click Enter as a Guest, type your name, and click Enter Room.

Picture from Pixabay!