16 Websites and Resources with Valentine’s Day Activities for Teens and Adults

16 Websites and Resources with Valentine’s Day Activities for Teens and Adults

Valentine’s Day is  a special day to send greetings to those you love and appreciate. With web tools and apps your teens and adult language learners are able to send family members, peers, and loved ones digital greetings for free. Below are web resources for your language learners to discover the history and meaning of Valentine’s Day. Also, discover free websites and apps to get your language learners excited about creating Valentine’s Day greetings in English. For more ideas check out our webinar recording, Valentine’s Day Activities. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our free Friday webinars.

Websites, Apps, and Resources

Check out the Teaching with Technology Certification course we offer online.

Live TESOL webinars are presented every Friday at 4 PM EST or New York time with Shelly Terrell. TESOL Lectures are open to the public, so feel free to invite a friend. To enter a TESOL Webinar, click here https://americantesol.adobeconnect.com/terrell/. Next, click Enter as a Guest, type your name, and click Enter Room.

Photo Credit: https://pixabay.com/en/valentine-s-day-valentine-hearts-1947567/